Thursday, July 2, 2009

Well, we're off again!

After a slow start on Tuesday (following a leisurely breakfast at the Holiday Inn Express, and two hours of trying to start a bus that clearly is having some battery problems) we headed back to Canada.

The trip home from Kalispell was equally beautiful, since we opted to go back over the going to the sun road from the other side. Walked with the little ones through the water on the weeping wall, a 40 metre wall of rock with little waterfalls splashing down it's entire width. It was sooo beautiful, and refreshing too!

We stopped to take the obligatory "Kids at the border" picture with Elowyn and Abram, since it was their first trip to the USA.

Now we have moved the Trailer to the Whiteside cousins house and today it's off to Edmonton (with Tanya and whatever kids don't want to stay with Whitesides) to pay The College of Chiropractors up to date and make sure they have my change in status form all squared away. I'll be unable to practice chiropractic until I reactivate my status, but in the meantime there is no further dues, marketing dues, continuing education, or any of that stuff till I reactivate.

Then we'll head to Edson to see how Caleb is doing, and to do yet another Dump run, and do some tiling of the basement bathroom, and put some lattice up on the fence. Then back here to Whitesides and then ???

We pray that this house sells quickly, so we can get on with the rest of the adventure. Hanging in Limbo is no fun at all, and if it lasts too much longer I'm going to need to get a job at walmart or something until it sells. $ gets extremely tight when you are an unemployed bum ;-)