Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Break

Bus Update!

The bus is done it’s welding stint, and has moved on to the mechanical repairs needed.

While it waited to get in to the shop, I installed the water system, so now we have RO drinking water, wherever we go, which is nice, since you never know what flavour of water you’ll wind up with on the road.

It was a fun weekend, with a huge easter egg hunt with all the cousins. A great time was had by all, and many candies were harmed during the production (but no bunnies).

Ethan went and took his learners test this week, and cleaned house, so now I have two chauffeurs to take me from place to place. I can just relax and watch the scenery. Except neither of them wants to drive the bus. That’s all up to me.

Hopefully we’ll hear from the repair shop soon, so we’ll know when the bus will be ready to go, then we can say, “What’s next?”


  1. Congrats to Ethan and his newly aquired freedom...with limitations. It made Hannah growl. Good. Maybe now she'll get her learners and start driving and stop growling!!

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
