Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Art of Surrendering


I truly believe that God just wants us to surrender this whole thing to Him. All this waiting, and stressing, and wondering what's going on, and when the house will sell, and.....

He has been working in our hearts for the past couple of years to prepare us for this journey, and showing us the path he wants us to take. I, naturally have my own schedule, and agenda that I think this should all follow. I think I should be in charge of painting this picture, and that the canvas is mine to do with as I will. I think that I am the artist of my life, and I am in control of it all.

He naturally has a plan that is way better than mine.

So it seems that we need to surrender this whole thing to Him, and let him run the show. That is the work that I will be attending myself to over the next... however long it takes. It's a difficult thing to do, and will take some concerted effort, but Surrender is the name of the game now.

I may be the Captain of the Rubicon, but the Admiral tells us when to set sail. We will remain in Harbour and continue to prepare for our voyage.

And while waiting in Harbour, maybe I should drink more ;-)

1 comment:


    Check out this link...
    As you surrender, may just help...
