Spruce View.
Yes, we made it out of Edson. Finally. Trying to clean up a house while there are still 8 kids in it, is like trying to shovel snow during a blizzard.
We finally gave up, and hopefully Caleb can clean while we're away. The house is listed though, as you can clearly see from the picture.
The kids will stay with Grammie, while we head farther south, to check out the `jungle`bus .
During the trip up, Elowyn managed to spray herself, and her seat, with a copius amount of fresh smelly puke. No real warning, just `RALPH`! «I was so glad to have the trailer with clean clothes, diaper, and hot water, for the cleanup.
Off to Kalispell tomorrow, so we`ll keep you posted on what we find out about the bus!
Glad to be a 'follower.' Mind you, I've probably always been a follower. Glad we'll be able to keep tabs on you!